

She wanted to try it but was scared

Published July 15, 2024

That evening after we dropped off the other two people and headed towards her house, she asked me:" Do you know some place we could go and park for a few minutes? I ...

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Published June 7, 2024
The big Cat groaned as it dug into the hillside with its sharp scraper blade, crisscrossing the side of the hill like a bright yellow prehistoric spider taking tons of dirt into it...
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The Train journey

Published June 7, 2024

Train started from hyderabad on a wet july evening chugging along slowly, the rain has paused and the freshness it left was covering every inch of surface. the roads, bu...

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Layla and Dave Part 2

Published June 4, 2024

Groping each other sexually all the way to the hotel had gotten both of us quite worked up. My cock was still porn100.tv stiff in my pants straining for release. I stru...

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Published June 4, 2024

Hi, my name is Robert; I'm 25 years old I'm 6"4 240lbs with blue eyes, brown hair and a nice build and a very tan body. I am married to a wonderful woman an...

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The voyeur

Published May 26, 2024
Marie Jenkins closed her eyes while rotating her head as she tried to work the kinks out of her tired neck and shoulders, it had been a long day, and now here it was almost ten thi...
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Published May 24, 2024

My wife had just started a new job and I was home alone for the in 8 years. She had previously had a job that included the house as part of her salary, plus her office ...

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Wrong ass

Published May 24, 2024

It was late night and I was drunk. I had no hurry to go out of the bar but the bar tender asked me to get out because he wants to close it. Therefore, I leaved the bar a...

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